the Moroccan Sari Cool Sad facts about her childhood

Who is Sari Cool?


Moroccan YouTuber Sari Cool, real name Sarah was born in Mlilia in Morocco, in 1996. She lived her childhood in Tetouan city. She experienced difficult circumstances during her childhood, which negatively affected her personality.

Sari Cool
Sari Cool Biography

Sari Cool did not get an education in her childhood, like other kids, as she lived with her family until she reached eighteen and then emigrated to meet her real mother in Spain.


Sari Cool or Sarah made the illegal immigration to Spain to guarantee a better future, as she did not live a normal childhood in Morocco.


Sarah or Sari Cool stayed for 6 months in Spain, where she settled her situation and became a Spanish citizen and took Spanish nationality by virtue of her Spanish mother.


Sari Cool worked for the first time in health care when she was caring for an elderly woman and she was getting her first income in Spanish homes.

Sari Cool did not last long in caring for the elderly woman, so she moved to another job where Sarah worked as an assistant cooker in a Madrid restaurant and months later, she became Also a good cooker.


Then Sari Cole moved to another field, the photography world, where she was training at first because she did not have any experience in this domain before. Indeed, Sari Cool succeeded in working as a photographer, after Sari Cool proved her professionalism in the photography domain.


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Une publication partagée par Sara Jouiad Yazif (@saricooloficial_) le

Sari Cool dancing

Sarah or Sari Cool has a YouTube channel known as Sari Cool, where she broadcasts personal videos and vlogs in which she discusses the topics of Moroccan taboos, such as talking about men and women relations, cheating, sexual topics ...etc. and with remarkable bravery when she talks about sex issues she uses rude words.


Sari Cool also confessed that her goal of creating a channel is to educate and teach girls and women in general, because she suffered difficult circumstances in her childhood where the sexual harassment on girls by men was one of the most important motives for her to launch the channel in order to aware girls and women about the cunning and deception of men, and also she is trying to educate men about some tricks of magic that some women do it in order to get men.


Sari Cool also has been very famous and she reached the popularity, as the number of her channel subscribers is increasing intensely, as she achieved terrible fame in a short period of time. We do not forget that it generates a good income from the content that it provides on its channel. Even though Sari Cool offers content that is indecent, it sometimes deals with social and political matters such as corruption that plagues society, which made some sympathize with her because she speaks in reality and frankly.


Sari Cool is now in her twenties, and her sad past and the difficulties she has suffered have greatly contributed to the disturbance of her personality and destabilizing her psychological balance, but sometimes she says important and realistic words as well as she talks about popular topics, especially sexual ones, which helped her to occupy the YouTube Morocco trending.

In addition to that, she became a song producer, and among the songs that she produced and have gotten great success:

- La Patronà song

-L’Ghorba song

-L'3tay song

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